NYAN Robotics - State Championship


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Leading up to state: Chicago Tribune Article       Daily Herald Article (paper)

The team did phenomenal (again). We had a large footprint at this tournament.

Everything worked great, The team performed great at everything...
- presentation was best yet
- VR showing was best yet (several judges were amazed, and countless kids and competitors too)
- booth was very slick and sharp. Everything worked well
- team members were very slick and sharp (several pointed that out)

We won 5 out of 6 matches and finished in 3rd places overall and so advanced to sem-finals
(top 4 go to semi-finals, and get to pick partners)
So we would have gotten to pick, but #1 team picked us, and we accepted.

That first match we lost, a freak thing happened... the first ball we shot, we scored, but
as it fell back to the floor, it bounced, and then flew back into our own robot, and jammed our mechanism,
prohibiting us from further scoring. Wow.

Our alliance won straight matches in semi-finals, and then straight matches in finals, and so won overall!

We won the Control Award (for our autonomous program and best use of smarts/sensors)
We won the Connect Award (for our outreach to engineering and scientific community

Since won the championship final round... going to Nationals

Outstanding job, team!

Day Before
Opening Ceremony
Hanging Out

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